--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > As far as it known U. G. Krishnamurti always wanted to talk 
> > with someone in U.C.--it never happened
> Why would it have mattered to him to have had this
> conversation? I mean, we've had conversations with
> several people on this forum who claim to have
> experienced UC. Have Jimbo's and RWC's posts made
> any difference in your life? Why would UG think 
> that having a similar conversation would have a
> difference on his?
> Just don't understand. They're all claims. Claims
> do not equal truth.

Pursuing this train of thought, just for the fun
of it, one of the things that occurs to me is "Why
would people who claim to have experienced Unity,
by definition the SOC in which one experiences all
people as equal to oneself, because...uh...after
all they *are* your Self, then turn around and 
claim that *their* ideas and beliefs were 'more
correct' than these other sentient beings'?"

Seems to me that if one had truly glimpsed Unity,
as something more than intellectual moodmaking, 
that is, they'd understand that their POV is no
more important or "correct" than any other.

So why IS it that people who have claimed to have
glimpsed Unity continue to fight tooth and nail 
to "prove" *their* POV more "correct?" 

Just don't understand.

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