On Dec 30, 2011, at 9:36 AM, Buck wrote:

> people remain
> mired in a view of the world that is deeply irrational and
> objectively false. 
> Nanda Meera
> Prophets Facing Backward

Well, that's certainly a point of view from Nanda'a simple lack of spiritual experience, just arguing with the progress of the new age. He and intellectuals like him should come and sit in Fairfield for a while now, then they'd know.

She. Sorry I mis-pasted that, it's actually "Meera Nanda". Meera is already very familiar with both the TM movement, Indian traditions and New Age movements.

Jai the SatGurus, who have come forward as prophets,

Since sat gurus would generally believe in sanatana-dharma, eternal dharma, they would be considered "prophets who look backwards" in Nanda's formulation as they fall for the lie of permanence: permanent, eternal laws of nature; the laws of Manu.

Marshy himself would be an almost archetypal instance of a prophet who looked backwards, but we saw it as a "looking forward". And until that spell is broken, we continue to "believe the lie". It's only typically when we step into the larger context of Hindutva that we can see that Maharishi Vedic Science is simply Vedic Creationism and really not that different from fundamentalist beliefs seen in our own country.

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