In afghanistan there is a plant called Som.  It is 
an ephedra that produces a greenish docotion.

From: richardatrwilliamsdotus <>
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2012 10:03 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Arctic Home in the Vedas!


> That might be an "additional proof", that Bal 
> Gangadhar Tilak was right when he conjectured 
> that the Vedic culture as described in the 
> Rgveda (especially hymns to uSas [dawn]) 
> originates from quite far North...
This makes a lot of sense. The Sanskrit speaking 
composers of the the Rig Veda must have 
originated where the Soma was abundant. It is a 
fact that the Soma ingredients don't grow in 
the Himalayas. 

In contrast, Terence McKenna says that there are 
many observed instances of the use of 
hallucinogenic plants in places like Siberia and 
Finland. Soma was of course, was a decoction made 
from among other ingredients, mushroom of the 
Stroperia cubensis variety. 

So, when we find in the Rig Veda whole mantras 
devoted to Soma, we must assume that Soma was at 
the top of the list of forces to be propitiated. 

If you've ever eaten a so-called 'magic' mushroom, 
you would know what I mean. It's just awesome! 

So much more so for the Rig Veda composers, 
apparently, since they memorized and recited 
liturgies to Soma for over 3,000 years over a 
long distance from Siberia, to the Caucasus, to 
the steppes of Eurasia and hence into South Asia.

According to what I've read, the composers of 
the Rig Veda DID NOT come out of India with the 
secret mantras to form the Indo-European group of 
languages as claimed by David Frawley.

Read more:

'Soma in Indian Religion'
Etheogens as Religious Sacrament

Work cited:

'Food of the Gods'
The search for 
the original tree of knowledge, a radical history 
of plants, drugs, and human evolution.
By Terence McKenna
Bantam, 1992

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