The problem is with the wording. -The World- doesn't need spiritual regeneration. Nor do all the people.  Some people need spiritual regeneration.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I Love/Hate Maharishi

Originally the goal was stated as: Spiritual Regeneration of the
And that still seems like the best way to frame the goal, if we are
seeking an enlightened world.
In my mind this idea of Spiritual Regeneration is a good way to
describe the goal;
Perhaps through the years, spiritual regeneration, got side-tracked in
other goals?
In any case, it still seems that; "spirital regeneration" is still the
basic need which is lacking.>
> ----This whole post goes to the point of my dislike of Maharishi. On
the one hand we have a scientifically proven technique to help
humankind, but on the other it appeals to the mystical fanaticism of
the practitioner to imbue it with other worldly qualities.
> I believe that Maharishi uses the language of Christian Mysticism
with references to Heaven on Earth and so on, playing upon the latent
apostle complex of his closest followers to create his movement. He
plays both sides against the middle.
> I guess my main thing, is Irmeli, as you said, clarity and plain
dealing.  And I don't find that to be the case in TMO.  So I must say
that it's an institution that lies. That being the case, one can
wonder what the real goal of the institution is.

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