On 01/15/2012 04:58 AM, Buck wrote:
> All area Satsangs:
> While Yogic Flying produces a powerful, generalized, non-directed surge
> of positivity for the general well-being of society, Yagyas create a
> very focused, concentrated influence of positivity designed to
> neutralize specific threats. Like the threats that are looming today.
> Maharishi has designed the most powerful system of Yagya the world has
> ever seen. The Maharishi National YagyaSM program is a massive
> application of Yagya on a national scale, specifically engineered to
> produce the largest possible impact on an entire nation.
> Focus for 2012: Maharishi Yagyas® for the Nation
> Join us in this great endeavor, please.Let us launch this powerful new
> program,
> may abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi's
> great legacy of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human
> race.
> Jai Guru Dev

So what would the actual results of the a "national yagya" be?   It 
should result in reducing the rakshasa big corporations to extinction 
and returning economic equality to the people of the USA.  Of course you 
don't actually need a yagya to do that, just a revolution.  OTOH, I'm 
noting that may not even be needed as the rakshasa big corporations are 
beginning to collapse under their own weight and bad karma.

Remember that a bunch of yogic flyers went to Iran back in the late 
1970s and we know what happened there.  Did the yogic flying troupe spur 
it on?

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