Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC 
standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.  There 
is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland Hills to the 
east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the foliage was totally wrong 
for the Bay Area.

But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and 
sidekick series using the "villain of the week" gimmick.  It confirms 
that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug for the "great 
unwashed."   I guess after "Lost" we expect more from J.J. Abrams but I 
fear it's all about the money these days and a paycheck for the 
creators.  Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley on Lost) can save this one.   
Oh, I need to mention the first villain is "Charlie Jade." ;-)

I've gotten spoiled watching BBC series like "Being Human" where they 
don't insult the audience's intelligence.  But "Being Human" is also an 
exceptional series, right up their with "Dexter" but with maybe even 
better writing and acting.  Forget that it is about supernatural 
characters like vampires, ghosts and werewolves, these are "human" 
stories and finale of the third season was exceptional.

Not so with the second season of the "North American version" produced 
for Syfy.  The actors in the BBC version are far better and for some 
reason they've taken to renaming 3 of the characters such as Sally 
instead of Annie (the ghost).  I need to watch an episode or two of 
Syfy's season one because the first episode of season two seems dumbed 
down a bit for Syfy 18 to 35 audience.  It's also sillier lacking some 
of the subtler British humor.  I watched the first season of the BBC 
version last year after Syfy's first season.  Seemed to me the Syfy 
season one changed little of the dialog or scripts they used from the 
BBC version.  Looks like Syfy execs have put their mediocre ideas into 
their second season.  Too bad and I also can't stand the 1930's RCA 
audio equalization that NBC owned companies use.  It's way out of date 
and sound terrible on a state of the art surround system with it's 
booming bass range (those interested can see that EQ curve with the free 
Audacity software).

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