Francis McVay 
On one of my Arizona adventures to find a treasure that I had for sure placed 
there in a past life, I failed to find it. I was pissed. I cussed God, Jesus, 
and others that I thought of, as I proceeded to walk back to my car. 
Immediately in front of me, an oval emerald green light appeared in front of 
me, and I could clearly make out the face of a radiant being in that eight foot 
oval of light. It said, I quote "Hark Francis, I am an Angel of the Lord, Why 
are you so angry?" That's all. I felt so small, like I wanted to hide under a 
rock. I was ashamed, embarressed, shook, and I felt very, very low. That night 
as I lay under the stars, I was shown that every person that I met, passed in 
the street, made eye contact with, or ljsut exchanged energies with, had an 
effect on my life, as I had theirs. A disasterious day turned into an 
enlightening night! Francis McVay SR.

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