On Jan 21, 2012, at 10:00 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

> If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful representation of 
> themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in fact 
> defending or upholding the integrity of themelves in resisting the beneficent 
> and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously as it were, or 
> unconsciously colluding with the fallen angel—I might, on occasion shock that 
> person out of such an identification. And this took the form sometimes of 
> striking them. Maybe in total 4 or 5 persons were struck. I hardly think it 
> was more than this. And this was not something that happened on a regular 
> basis. It was in extremis. But we shall see if this testimony is contradicted 
> by someone who was there.

I believe this is an honest assessment. I'd also add that for some people, for 
whatever reason, one of these incidents was the last straw. One video tape in 
particular became a rallying cry against you and the seminar. It snowballed - 
or as we say today, "it went viral" and that was that. The last course I was on 
was in NYC. Other than the occasional video tape, you fell of my radar until 
the meeting at Doug K's apartment with Gary, M's old bodyguard and me.

There actually was a seminar where the idea of fashioning a totally appropriate 
"koan" for a given person, in a particular context was spoken of. So this isn't 
merely a post hoc excuse. These type of things were known by seminarians and 
understood to be part of the process of removing someone from their habitual 
locked-step mode.

BTW, this is the first post where you authentically use old WTS lingo so fully. 
Nice synopsis, gut-wrenching post.

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