Try as you may, as kindhearted as you are, you may have noticed by now that 
your interactions with Barry will eventually end up with you getting a kick in 
the pants. Just sayn'

Message #302712 (Obba Compliments Barry)

Obba: Nice song contributions, turq.

Barry: Thanks for noticing. The Eagles cut was the first that sprung to mind 
when the subject of witches came up. The Santana cut was a YouTube right panel 
find, something that they felt was related to the Eagles song.

Obba: You are welcome. I enjoyed them tremendously.

Message #302711 (Obba Compliments Judy)

Obba: When is anyone going to learn, Judy has the upper hand when it comes to 
the English language and its use. :)(points out the obvious.)

Message #302743 (The Worm Turns)

Barry: When is everyone going to learn that believing
that interaction on this forum is *about* "having
the upper hand" is intensely low-vibe and indicative
of a someone retarded level of evolution?

RD's Comment: Obba, Barry just called you retarded. This is what you get for 
siding with Judy. Nice, huh?

Message #302744 (Barry's Bain Revealed: Powerful Women)

Barry: Stevie was Witch Heaven. The album this song was released on broke major 
records in sales. It was a phenomenon. And overnight this short little girl 
became such a sensation that wealthy suitors were sending their private jets to 
whisk her away to secret weekend rendezvous. Really. The lady got around. 
Rhiannon 'R Us.

Obba: Lucky her!

Barry: You think? [RETARD!] Did you miss the part where she is crying
as she sings her "signature song?" [HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?]

Barry: I leapt into the fray because I've known a lot of
witches in my time. 

RD: Actually, there wasn't any fray. Obba and Meruda were having a delightful 
conversation sharing poetry and music. Meruda wrote a beautifully sensitive 
poem about Robin and Obba chimed in with her own charming poem about Robin, and 
then the topic turned to sharing music about witches. IMO Obba and Meruda's 
sweet poems about Robin pushed Barry's buttons and he insinuated himself into 
the conversation by posting links to music on the topic of witches.

Barry: Or at the very least, women who thought of themselves as witches. 

RD: Translation: How dare they!

Barry: All shared the same mindset, 

RD: Translation: We must paint all such women with the same Broad-Brush (pun).

Barry: in which power over others and the acquisition of it was a primary goal. 

RD: Ah...Here's the crux of the matter: Barry hates powerful women.  Obba when 
you wrote, "Judy has the upper hand when it comes to the English language and 
its use," Barry must have went apoplexic. It brought up his complete animosity 
toward powerful women, particularly Judy, the undisputed expert at busting 
Barry's balls.
Barry: All were essentially unhappy.

RD: Translation: Barry feels threatened by powerful women. He diminishes them 
by declaring they are unhappy. 

Barry: What you focus on you become.

RD: Good advice Barry should follow.

RD: IMO I've thought for quite awhile now, that Barry needs to resolve 
domineering vs. doormat mother issues. He's quick to make a pronouncement about 
the mental stability of Robin or Ravi, but has yet to deal with his own 
peculiarities. What's good for the goose, as they say...

Obba, you are a feisty girl. I have every confidence you won't allow yourself 
to be bullied, or disrespected by anyone on this forum. If you get into a 
pickle, the sisters have your back.

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