You are correct Curtis, he was and is not a victim. He chose to keep looking at 
this site, to put his fingers on the keyboard in order to respond to whatever 
post motivated him to do so. Like I said, no one is being held hostage here to 
continue to participate. 

I don't feel sorry for Robin. He is equipped with enough intelligence, gumption 
and energy to prove a formidable intellectual and, I believe, spiritual match 
for most people. However, I can still sense when things get a little brutal and 
that courageous fighter becomes just a little more desperate, stumbles on 
occasion, looks over his shoulder to see how close the wall is and I can feel 
empathy at that point. Robin is just a human being who is feeling his away 
along in the world like the rest of us. He stood on a stage for awhile, under 
the lights playing out a role that, thankfully, most of us have not had to take 
on. How much was his personal choice I have no idea. Robin is a complete 
mystery to me in some very fundamental ways. 

You say you shared some special friendship for him. I can understand that. You 
recollect that he started to make you feel pressured by his confrontational, 
relentless demands. I can relate. You don't want to put up with it anymore, you 
seem to have determined that whatever good things you had going between the two 
of you is not worth this subsequent needling and pricking by this person who 
has no real right to do this to you. I totally get it. You have every right to 
feel what you do. And I trust you have looked hard at yourself and your actions 
that presumably motivated Robin to start "confronting" you and determined it 
was unwarranted. That is your prerogative.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> <Upon reading his FFL posts over the last few months it appears that, if 
> anything, he submitted himself to the confrontation of others. I am in 
> perplexity as to why he let it go on for as long as did. >
> In the end I found Robin to be very confrontational and persistent in 
> demanding that people engage with him to answer to the details of his 
> critical personal analysis.  Having had the longest running and most detailed 
> communication with him on and off line here, I believe that he had a strong 
> need for and desire for confrontation. And once you became his target, he 
> believed it was a moral failing to resist engaging in detail to answer to all 
> of his voluminous charges.
> My experience went the way of that little girl who had a little curl right in 
> the middle of her forehead...
> I think it would be a mistake to view his participation here as any version 
> of a victim.
> >
> > You don't think he fears the sudden appearance of a failed exorcism? Your 
> > strong character, your obvious beauty and your integrity?
> > 
> > Shucks Vaj, as much as I would like to believe this may be true I don't 
> > believe Robin fears me. I am not sure what he fears other than  losing his 
> > hard-fought struggle to make sense of his life or his ability to refrain 
> > from hurting people ever again. I am not sure how I would qualify as a 
> > failed exorcism because I have not come back to "get him". I also don't 
> > think Robin has any desire to confront again, that was a big responsibility 
> > and a burden to have carried all those years ago and according to him he 
> > hated it. Upon reading his FFL posts over the last few months it appears 
> > that, if anything, he submitted himself to the confrontation of others. I 
> > am in perplexity as to why he let it go on for as long as did. 
> > 
> > I can only relate to this man as he appears on FFL, as he seems to be 25 
> > years later and I freely admit that I am supporting him because I can sense 
> > that he is not the same Robin. And based on the man I think he is now he 
> > deserves my respect and my sensitivity to what he has and continues to 
> > struggle with.
> > 
> > --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@>  
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Someone made a comment about Robin running away now, no longer  
> > > > posting, hiding after his last letter. I don't believe this.
> > > 
> > > You don't think he fears the sudden appearance of a failed exorcism?  
> > > Your strong character, your obvious beauty and your integrity?
> > > 
> > > I think we have to realize that it took many years for R. to process  
> > > what he went through - whatever each of us might believe that to be -  
> > > and then he's forced to potentially confront
> > > 
> > > It's just too exacting a mirror to stare into.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > I'm just not sure there is anything more for him to say. I haven't  
> > > > read all of his words on FFL but I know there are enough to create  
> > > > a hefty manuscript. Now, having established that none of you a  
> > > > downright dumb, quite the opposite, I have to wonder what the hell  
> > > > more he could possibly say to any of you, what other admissions,  
> > > > explanations, reasons for his behaviour or beliefs he could give you.
> > > 
> > > Unless they were familiar with the peculiar dynamic of the WTS, I  
> > > seriously doubt there's anything he could say (I'm leaving the  
> > > diehard Aquinas fans out of this :-)). But even then his new wine  
> > > does not find any comfort in those old skins, and he cringes at the  
> > > thought of being forcibly placed in them again, esp. through coercion  
> > > or trickery or surprise.
> > > 
> > > The thought of being forced into that context again would be too much  
> > > to bear.
> > > 
> > > > My theory is you want him to stick around because that compulsion,  
> > > > that desire for a heated debate that keeps you all here and that  
> > > > likes a good fight is missing out in his absence.
> > > 
> > > I think you're right - for most posters.
> > >
> >

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