--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> So here is another good example of what Barry and I have been discussing with 
> regard to "different strokes for different folks" in terms of spiritual 
> teachers and their ability to fulfill some people's needs/expectations or 
> not. Obviously Judy found/finds Robin at times mysterious, fascinating, 
> brilliant and worth the time and effort to try and decipher what he was/is 
> all about. Not so for Curtis (later on anyway), certainly not Barry for one 
> eentsy moment and Vaj claims to have been there and done all that and ho-hum. 
> All valid viewpoints because we are all different in every way possible. 
> Curtis loves music, I love horses, Judy appears to love to write.
> But I am not sure anyone can make any ultimate pronouncements with regard to 
> whether Robin was valuable as a contributor to FFL or not, or whether he was 
> full of b.s. or speaking the highest of truths. We can only know what we know 
> coming from where each one of us are in our consciousness and our lives and 
> to argue with each other over his "value" as a contributor or even as a human 
> being is futile. It will convince no one of anything they already believe. I 
> have not seen one person switch their viewpoint on this subject since I 
> joined this little gathering three weeks ago. But you all like to exercise 
> your intellectual muscles so far be it from me to dissuade you, as if I could 
> (or even want to). Parry on!

Great post. Especially the no one changing their point
of view thang. That, above all, seems to characterize FFL.

Parry on, Garth. Parry on, Wayne. :-)

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