Note on the 1331 Pundits. The usage of the numbers of Pundits (1, 11, 121, 
1331,...) is a hilarious corruption of the actual application of those numbers 
sourced in Pascal's triangle and possibly imported from independent Chinese and 
European discoveries (proably the former).
The triangle begins:
1, 1;
1, 2, 1
1, 3, 3, 1
1, 4, 6, 4, 1;
denoting a distribution of a set of entites into subsets, not "1,331" or 
For example:
One previous contributor for the time being kicked off this forum seemed to 
categorize people into 3 types: a. Those Enlightened vs Unenlightened, b. 
females and males (he had a preference for females); and c. Those who perform a 
certain sex act which won't be mentioned.
For those interested in the math, this makes 8 possible types of people if each 
category has only 2 possibilities with no in-betweens.
The distribution suming to 8 is (1, 3, 3, 1); with the 1's on either side 
amounting to (for example); people with a certain trait among all three vs the 
other "1" on the right, those NOT.
Example: say the subsets are (a,b,c) = yes: a1 = Enlightened, a2 = NOT 
Enlightened. b = b1 = female, b2 = male.  c1 = performs "the" particular sex 
act, while c2 does NOT perform that particular act.
Thus, if a person is (a2, b2, c1); he would be Unenlightened, male, and 
performs that act.  There are 8 possible outcomes with a distribution of (1, 3, 
3, 1).  That's not "1,331" as in the numbers of Pundits. It's a distribution.
However, IF there were 1,3,3,1 Pundits, all of them would be male, some 
Enlightened while the rest not; and some would of course might perform that 
particular sex act while others don't.  

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