Just learned this, from Wiki:

Vasomotor rhinitis
Non-allergic rhinitis refers to runny nose that is not due to allergy. 
Non-allergic rhinitis can be classified as either non-inflammatory or 
inflammatory rhinitis. One very common type of non-inflammatory, non-allergic 
rhinitis that is sometimes confused with allergy is called vasomotor 
rhinitis,[11] in which certain non-allergic triggers such as smells, fumes, 
smoke, dusts, and temperature changes, cause rhinitis. There is still much to 
be learned about this entity, but it is thought that these non-allergic 
triggers cause dilation of the blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which 
results in swelling, and drainage. Vasomotor rhinitis can coexist with allergic 
rhinitis, and this is called "mixed rhinitis." (Middleton's Allergy Principles 
and Practice, seventh edition.) The pathology of vasomotor rhinitis appears to 
involve neurogenic inflammation[12] and is as yet not very well understood. 
Vasomotor rhinitis appears to be significantly more common in women than men, 
leading some researchers to believe that hormones play a role. In general, age 
of onset occurs after 20 years of age, in contrast to allergic rhinitis which 
can be developed at any age. Individuals suffering from vasomotor rhinitis 
typically experience symptoms year-round, though symptoms may be exacerbated in 
the spring and autumn when rapid weather changes are more common.[13] An 
estimated 17 million United States citizens have vasomotor rhinitis. The 
antihistamines azelastine and olopatadine, applied as nasal sprays, may both be 
effective for vasomotor rhinitis.[14][15] Fluticasone propionate or budesonide 
(both are steroids) in nostril spray form may also be used for symptomatic 


Now I realized I've had *that* kind of rhinitis for decades
now, prolly not (merely?) allergic rhinitis!

At least it would seem to make more sense why the kuurma-naaDii -siddhi (#5 in 
my set[1]) seems to alleviate my symptoms considerably. (My rhinitis may be a 
combination of allergic and vasomotor, because the symptoms are way more bad 

1. kuurma-naaDyaaM [locative sing. of 'naaDii'] sthairyam.

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