OK, for all you Monty Python fans and persecutors of organized religion
out there, here is one to warm the cockles of your heart. Trolling the
torrentverse, I stumbled upon a film called "Holy Flying Circus." Never
having heard of it before, and hoping beyond hope for the best, I looked
it up on the IMDB. Happy happy joy joy. I'm waiting for it to download
now, but so sure I'm going to love it that I'm starting this review
before actually watching it.

The premise is tremendous. Many of us forget how weird the world was
back in 1979, when Monty Python's "The Life Of Brian" was first
released. We forget that its subject matter -- a comedy about Jesus --
could be as controversial as it was. The film, as it turns out, was
picketed and banned and hotly debated. One ban against it in Ireland was
only lifted ten years ago. Shortly before the controversy had really hit
the fan, not knowing what the reaction to the film might be, Michael
Palin and John Cleese went on the BBC to talk about the upcoming film,
and then debate broadcaster and noted Christian Malcolm Muggeridge and
Mervyn Stockwood (the then Bishop of Southwark) about whether the film
was blasphemous or not. It's a classic of both comedy history and
religious history, and I have provided a link to it on YouTube at the

Anyway, what "Holy Flying Circus" is is a re-imagining of this debate,
and the conversations among the Monty Python team that led up to it.
Actors play the Pythons. Here's all I know about the movie so far, three
clips gleaned from YouTube:

Palin and Cleese Arrive at the BBC

Being Offensive
The Fight

Now I'll watch the movie...

< insert appropriate interval of time here, simulated >

First, writer Tony Roche and director Owen Harris totally GET Monty
Python. Their use of both language and visuals are spot-on from the
opening scene and the rolling text at the beginning. If you are a MP
fan, you know even at that point that you are in good hands with this

The actors do a great job capturing the mannerisms of the Pythons and
other well-known British figures. You don't know any of them, except
perhaps Steven Fry in the role of God, but they all do a jolly job IMO.
In a way, this film is remarkably like the "comeback episode" of Monty
Python's Flying Circus that we fans always wanted, but that never
happened. Tony Roche *really* did his homework. This is a fun movie,
*and* like "The Life Of Brian" itself, one with something to say.

One warning: if you have a history of becoming mightily offended by
either bad language (a list of banned words is actually read aloud at
one point) or making fun of speech impediments such as stammering or
Tourette's Syndrome, you might find things in this film to be offended
by. If so, tough bollocks. This is my review. If you want to protest and
have a place to spout off your opinions, write your own review.

Finally, here's the actual 1979 BBC Debate (in four parts). It is almost
shocking how offended by the film Malcolm Muggeridge and the Bishop were
and how NASTY they chose to be to John Cleese and Michael Palin. Good
one-liners are spouted on all sides, but it seems obvious to me that the
Pythons actually *understand* the nature of humor and its proximity to
Godliness and their two debate opponents do not.


I think this debate, as I suggested before, is a classic of the history
of religion and its oppression of any who dare to make fun of religion.
It's VERY much like a modern-day conversation on Fairfield Life when
someone pokes fun at Maharishi or TM or some idea that TMers hold dear.
I'm thinking that in our FFL reenactments of this debate, Curtis and I
play the Pythons. You can decide for yourselves which FFL regulars the
Bishop and Malcolm Muggeridge remind you of. :-)

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