
My comments are shown below:

1.> > In the Old Testament, the story of Adam and Eve tells us of the 
devolution of the first human beings from unity consciousness to the bondage of 
the gunas.  The main key to their fall was their pride of being equal to the 
Source of the unified field.  Thus, they disobeyed the rule by eating the 
forbidden fruit.
> Actually, involution would perhaps describe it better, they certainly weren't 
> in Unity Consciousness. 

There are many ways to interpret the story of Adam and Eve.  The bible author 
could have meant that the dawning of human awareness or consciousness started 
out at the highest level, namely at unity consciousness.  This is the reason 
why we read in the bible text that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden 
of Eden.

This idea doesn't necessarily mean that the theory of evolution is incorrect.  
It's still possible that the human physiology evolved from lesser species.  The 
major change of event is when the first humans acquired awareness or 
consciousness of themselves.

However, there are some people both Christians and others who believe that 
humans did not evolve from the lower species.  They believe that humans 
devolved from the spirit world to the world of the flesh.  Thus, we encounter 
the likes of the Christian Creationists who interpret the bible literally. 

A. Infant humanity was the product of eons of evolution through all the 
kingdoms of nature, mineral, plant and animal. The consciousness that 
evolved/involved through the kingdoms finally arrived at the state where a 
special creation was made (man) by God, with all the potentials possible as 
reflected in man as having all 7 chakras.

I agree somewhat with what you're saying here.  But there is an author by the 
name of Michael Cremo who believes that human beings have been on earth for 
millions of years, perhaps during the time of the dinosaurs.

However, he believes that humans devolved directly from the spirit world.  In 
other words, humans are not related to the lower primates.

B.> The Divine Plan is to evolve man to the point where his 
material/astral/causal physiology can unfold a pure reflection of Being or 
Consciousness, (which is Cosmic Consciousness or what MMY calls Unity 
Consciousness), then man can be said to be truly made "In the Image of God".

I understand your point.  Using the bible story, it is possible to believe that 
this apex of development started out at unity consciousness, which is in the 
"image of God".

C.> The lose-knit allegory of the 'fall' is merely a story encapsulating the 
ingredients of this transformation of nescient (ignorant) man.

Using the bible text, the first humans may not have been as ignorant as you may 
think.  They may have been fully aware of their consciousness and of God the 
Father who walked with them.  That means they lived life in bliss and 
enlightenment, as MMY would describe it.

D.> Pride came later; once they were given *free will* they were also told by 
the Almighty, "if you yield to the sex sensations you will 'fall' from the 
Garden of Eden" (Paradise lost), but as Satan (the Luciferian spirits, the 
light givers who 'opened' their eyes) proclaimed, "but ye shall be as Gods". 
Both 'Satan' and 'God' were right and merely stating the facts of the matter! 
(It's just a story!!)

Pride comes along with human awareness, IMO.  It is possible that Adam and Eve 
wanted something more than what God had given them.  They wanted to experience 
evil for themselves.  They were not satisfied with knowing evil by inference 
during their stay in the Garden of Eden.  Thus, they rebelled and ate the 
forbidden fruit.

E.> So Adam and Eve (early man) persevered and became the 'pioneers' who 
ventured forth from their passive nescience (ignorant) state of being to 
fulfill their inner urge to unfold their full potential. It was all part of a 
plan, 'Satan' was merely playing a role.

It's also possible to interpret that after their experience of evil, they fully 
realized that they have voluntarily put their spirit in bondage to the senses 
and matter.  Thus, the bible tells us that they lost their immortal status and 
suffered for the rest of their life here on earth.

2.>  > Along with pride came the desire to indulge in the senses.  Since they 
thought they were gods, then they can get anything they wanted in the 
phenomenal world.  By doing so, they knowingly put their spirit in bondage to 
> I don't think they had much mind function in those early periods, I think the 
> 'chit' (sensation and feeling) was the first to evolve and mind came later, 

The point I'm saying is that when the animal physiology and mind became fully 
human, then there was full awareness, but at the same time there was an 
inherent danger of falling into the sin of pride.

> Sources: The Cosmo Conception (Max Heindel) and The Second Coming of Christ 
> (Paramahansa Yogananda).

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