Last month Mormons baptized the deceased parents of Nazi-hunter Simon 
Wiesenthal. Now they're sorry.

As you click on the "Choose-a-Mormon" button, contemplate a image of 12 oxen 
pissing in the Salt Lake baptismal font.

--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> "Sadly, many Mormons throughout history have died without having known the 
> joys of homosexuality. With your help, these poor souls can be saved.
> Simply enter the name of your favorite dead Mormon* in the form below and 
> click Convert! Presto, they're gay for eternity. There is no undo.
> Don't know any dead Mormons? Click the "Choose-a-Mormon" button and we'll 
> find one for you. You're welcome!" 

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