The Kingdom of Bhutan inspires new centre at 

Maharishi University of Management
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    
15 December 2011

Bill Goldstein, Director of International Development at Maharishi University 
of Management (MUM), felt inspired by his recent trip to the Kingdom of Bhutan. 

Mr Goldstein serves as an ambassador to education ministries in 
countries throughout the world, promoting joint programmes with MUM, 
which is located in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. 

After meetings in Bhutan, Mr Goldstein and other administrators at the 
university decided to start a new project. 

According to a university trustee who is involved in the project, 'One 
outcome of these meetings is the establishment, at MUM, of a new centre 
for the study of Gross National Happiness.' This centre operates under 
the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy. 

The Royal Kingdom of Bhutan is unique in the world for upholding the 
idea that the health of any society cannot be measured solely or even 
principally by material and economic measures of growth, such as Gross 
Domestic Product, or GDP. 

Instead, the government recognizes 
that the fulfilment and happiness of the people require balance in life,
 that inner life as well as outer life be nourished. The government, 
therefore, actively develops and uses more holistic measures, called Gross 
National Happiness, to assess national well-being and progress and to evaluate 
proposed plans for the country. 

Maharishi University of Management, due to its use of the most scientifically 
verified meditation technique in the world, Transcendental Meditation, in its 
curriculum, has had extensive experience assessing growth of happiness on an 
objective scale. 

'The centre for study of Gross National Happiness at MUM will work not 
only theoretically, developing and employing measures of Gross National 
Happiness in an ideal society, but also practically to promote 
programmes that enhance balanced and integrated national life and 
development,' the trustee said. 

'The centre aims to become a 
world-renowned institution, enjoying dynamic relationships with global 
experts, and would be very privileged to collaborate with the great 
pioneers in this field in the Kingdom of Bhutan.' 

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