In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
  So, in recent days, has <ferchrissakes> Rush Limbaugh.

Just some sleep deprived suggestion:

How about trying to tattooed your favorite so he/she may hum from now on
during posting in Salander style-

Lisbeth Salander, the agile American FFL post adaptation,.\

Do not forget to add his/ her red-lined eyes, freakish piercings and
body ink suggesting a hybrid of alien and street thug, a sullen portrait
in gray-black, the latest pop FFL phenomenon driving a resurgence of
leather and spikes, shredded jeans and scruffy combat boots. <>\

How was the song to hum along?

" Get his PC runnin'

Head out on the highway

Lookin' for adventure

And whatever comes our way

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all of your guns at once

And explode into space"?

  Whatever-here an American lyric suggestion for your fav- target

Got Rush modem humming

Info superhighway

Clicking on some censored

Turn the monitor away

Yeah, swear he dunno how it happened

Shake him little ones in leath `n' lace

Find oodles of buns and stunts and

Download `em with pace

Limbaugh bored accounting

Bevy sluttal, plundered

Chasing virt'ul bimbos

Tho' appealing was a blunder

FFL, snarling, saw the naked snatches

Stake immured in a smut embrace

Fired: all of Rush fun's undone, He's

Exposed in disgrace

Strikes, accrued, him compiled

Seeing porn

Saw him reviled

Check out time; they say

"Sev'rance pay? No way!"

Porn makes him wi-i-i-ld

Porn makes him wi-i-ild


Where is the missing Viagra pill from the 30 pack!?

Sound familiar—it's election time<ferchrissakes>!

OH you have a European POV—not only about the "girl with the
tattoo" movie?

Why didn't you say so in the first place—anyway loved the
original, too [:D]

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