Nabs, I actually watched this video, having a lazy Saturday morning.  One thing 
I found interesting was that Carlos says he gets a sensation in his solar 
plexus when the ships of light are nearby - or in advance of seeing them.  The 
sensation can wake him at night, and he knows he will see lights that night.  I 
have had that sensation many times, more often at night, and I always 
attributed it to having done a whole lot of yoga in a class earlier in the day 
= and that got the energy flowing.  The few tai chi classes I have taken do the 
same thing.  Carlos described it as the same feeling you have when you are in 
love - which is an interesting way to describe it. For me, it sometimes feels 
as if I am taking in energy in the solar plexus - not just having kundalini 
rise to that point.  So, it made me wonder if Carlos is perhaps having some 
sort of energy experience a la kundalini - or maybe just sensing some other 
energy source nearby.  Of course, there are all the loads of other people who 
have seen the lights/UFO's as well.  It is a sweet video, altho way too long 
and slow, John Mack comes in at the end.  Not scientific, just an attempt to be 
clear about the experiences.

As an aside,  Carl Jung dealt with at least one case of kundalini difficulties 
and believed it was or led to psychosis.  Visions or misperceptions of reality. 
 And some psychiatrists since then (I think this has been discussed on FFL 
briefly) have disagreed and reframed kundalini as a process of spiritual 
growth.  The neurology of it all will be interesting.

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:

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