 From: i...@nationalteapartyalert.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 3/19/2012  8:53:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Rally Against ObamaCare

Please read this special message from  Americans for Prosperity.
Dear Freedom Fighter, 
Later on this month, the U.S. Supreme Court  will consider the 
constitutionality of several parts of the  President's wildly unpopular health 
package. While the  President and his allies managed to force this health care  
package on the American people two years ago, now we have a  chance to get 
it overturned _with  your help_ 
 Americans for Prosperity has been a  leader on 
the issue of healthcare reform since 2008. We're  working to show how the 
individual mandate is  unconstitutional, and we believe the entire health 
care law  must be struck down. 
That's why we're making sure all of Washington  knows we oppose the 
unconstitutional affront to our health  care freedoms. On March 27, we're going 
_hold  a rally opposing the health care bill_ 
and present the  Supreme Court with a statement, signed by thousands of  
patriotic Americans, asking the court to strike down this  unconstitutional 
bill. _We  need your help to send a message to  Washington_ 
D168:r) . 
Will you _sign  our statement_ 
 , asking the 
Court to strike down  this unconstitutional threat to our health care  
Please make your voice heard today, and remind  Washington that the 
President's health care law is both  unconstitutional and a threat to our 
_Sign  AFP's statement to the Court today._ 
For liberty, 
Tim Phillips
President, Americans for  Prosperity   
Americans for Prosperity® (AFP) is a nationwide  organization of citizen 
leaders committed to advancing every  individual's right to economic freedom 
and opportunity. AFP  believes reducing the size and scope of government is 
the best  safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for  
all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of  restraining 
state and federal government growth, and returning  government to its 
constitutional limits. AFP has more than  1,900,000 members, including members 
all 50 states, and 34  state chapters and affiliates. More than 90,000 
Americans in all  50 states have made a financial investment in AFP or AFP  
Foundation. For more information, visit _www.americansforprosperity.org_ 
 (http://www.nationalteapartyalert.com/) This  message was intended for: 
_wleed3@aol.com_ (mailto:wle...@aol.com)  
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