FCC decision strikes critical blow to right-wing radio dominance

By Stephen C. Webster
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 13:02 EDT


Topics: fcc ♦ prometheus radio project
A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision issued Monday (PDF) will 
clear the runway for hundreds of new community radio stations that broadcast on 
low-power FM signals, bringing progressive, community voices to urban areas 
that have for decades only known what's being broadcast by major corporations 
and America's political right.

In other words, the dismantling of Rush Limbaugh was just the beginning, and 
the whole FM dial is next.

The FCC's decision on Monday wipes away a massive backlog of applications for 
FM repeater stations, which are transmitters that repeat signals broadcast by 
corporate radio operators — all of which rake in big dollars from the most 
popular right-wing syndicated talk shows going.

"So, what a lot of right-wing, conservative radio stations have been able to do 
is expand their reach out in communities by just having these translators out 
in the wild, which is why Rush Limbaugh gets the type of audience that he has — 
because the networks take one signal and repeat it over and over and over 
across the dial all over the country," Steven Renderos, national organizer with 
the Center for Media Justice, told Raw Story on Tuesday. "They're constantly 
looking for opportunities to expand that, so there were a slew of these 
applications pending at the FCC."

And that's been the case ever since the FCC's radio spectrum auction in 2003, 
which has led many activists to fear they would be forever choked out and kept 
away from the public airwaves. But after a long battle, activists with the 
Prometheus Radio Project have finally won.

"Now these right-wing radio networks won't keep getting their translator 
applications approved," Renderos added. "That will severely limit their ability 
to expand."

The FCC's decision also set clear criteria for community radio stations in 
heavily populated urban areas, which are otherwise bombarded by the endless 
droning of commercial media full of snide opinion masquerading as news.

"These [new, low power] stations can only be licensed to non-profit 
organizations, and you can only have one per customer," Brandy Doyle, policy 
director for the Prometheus Radio Project, told Raw Story. "That way we won't 
have these big corporate chains and media networks that are taking over the 
rest of the media landscape moving in on low power FM service. These stations 
have to be local, and they have to be independent. This clears the way for a 
real transformation of the FM dial."

Instead of slowly grinding down thousands of repeater station applications that 
leave no room for community radio, the FCC essentially threw most of those 
applications away by limiting who can apply, how many filings a single entity 
can make, and which markets can consider new repeaters — all of which frees up 
the regulatory body to examine applications for new community stations. The 
regulatory agency still gave some deference to corporate broadcasters, however, 
by allowing them one shot at revising their applications to fit the new 

That means "as early as this fall, as in 2012, there will be opportunities for 
local community groups to plan and start their own independent radio stations," 
Doyle said. "This is what we've fought for [over] more than a decade, and the 
FCC has opened the door to that."

While there aren't any official numbers yet, several "radio geeks" who spoke to 
Raw Story off the record estimated that as many as 10,000 applications for 
community radio stations could be filed in the coming years.

Prometheus activists and local radio affiliates all over the country played a 
dramatic role in helping shape media coverage of the "Occupy" movement last 
year, providing a sharp contrast to the often detached approach taken by 
mainstream, corporate sources. Their influence was broad enough to remind many 
listeners that community radio — an otherwise rare commodity in the U.S. — is 
often the dissenter's best friend.

Though the FCC's decision may not sound all that important, it really is. For 
the first time in decades, Americans living in major cities will soon be 
hearing the voices of their friends and neighbors flooding the airwaves — a far 
cry from the typical morning DJ fart jokes and the same "top hit" songs 
endlessly droning on a looping playback.

"Right now the Center for Media Justice is part of a national partnership with 
Prometheus Radio Project and Color of Change to try and identify organizations 
across the country — social and racial justice organizations — that could 
potentially benefit from owning and running their own radio station," Renderos 
said. "What we hope to see in 5-10 years is a coordinated infrastructure of 
radio that doesn't necessarily parallel what's on the right, that at least 
helps to project a very different type of discourse on the radio dial."

And it's not just an outreach effort, either: The Center for Media Justice is 
actively taking inquiries from organizations that want access to their 
community's airwaves, with the goal of helping them achieve that dream as soon 
as possible.

The FCC's move Monday was the first step on a path laid out by the Local 
Community Radio Act, signed by President Barack Obama at the start of 2011, 
which represented the first real victory in activists' long fight against the 
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) the radio industry's biggest 
lobbying group. The bill freed up portions of the radio spectrum that had 
otherwise been kept empty by the larger broadcasters, who had long insisted 
upon four clicks of blank space on the FM dial to prevent interference. It also 
stipulated that new space on the dial must be reserved for community stations 
in urban areas where there might otherwise be none.

"There's hardly news at all on commercial radio at this point, much less a 
diversity of viewpoints and a diversity of news." Doyle concluded. "A lot of 
times corporate media doesn't even cover things that are majority views, and 
there's a disconnect between what we hear in the media and what we know most of 
our neighbors are thinking and feeling. This is a real opportunity for people 
to connect with each other and start building real alternatives."

The National Association of Broadcasters did not respond to a request for 

Update: Following this story's publication, the Center for Media Justice added 
that they are also working with the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center 
on their low power FM affiliate program.

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