There are quite a few Finnish hockey players in NHL and stuff.

When in the US of A, they tend to look more like "Yankees"[1],
with strong jaws and stuff like that.

Very soon after they return to Finland, for instance during
summertime, they devolve to look more like Finnish men,
most of which are descendants of Siberian mammoth hunters? 

As an example, perhaps the most famous Finnish NHL'ist  at the
moment, Mr. Teemu Selanne:


1. The term Yankee (sometimes shortened to Yank) has several interrelated 
meanings, referring to people from the United States. Outside the US it is used 
to refer to people from the US in general, whereas within the US it refers to 
people originating in the northeastern US, or still more narrowly New England, 
where application of the term is largely restricted to descendants of the 
English settlers of the region.[1]

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