No origin showing on FFL to the creator of the thread!
Damn. I missed the drama!
Nabby is protected by the delete button. He must have Guru well placed in his 
birth chart. : )

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> It is tempting, from time to time, to point to nablusos1008 on this
> forum as a prime example of TMer stupidity and bigotry, or TM True
> Believer (which few would dispute that he is) stupidity and bigotry, but
> I don't think that's really it.
> True, the opinions and statements he makes here *are* reflective of how
> a great number of TM True Believers think -- saying that Rick is damned
> eternally to Hell for creating this forum, that all forms of meditation
> (especially Buddhist ones) are lesser than TM, that most people who
> criticize TM and Maharishi are paid to do so by the CIA and/or the Dalai
> Lama, and that Buddhism is a low-vibe belief system and that Buddhists
> think of little else but destroying TM and are trained to do so. All of
> these kinds of statements and more, including making up obvious lies
> about people on this forum, have been made over and over by Nabby on
> this forum, and have gone remarkably uncommented on and unchallenged by
> the other TM supporters here. Including (and especially) some who
> characterize themselves as "crusaders for fairness," self-appointed
> "hall monitors" whose *dharma* they claim it is to point out any
> instance of unfairness or bigotry here, and blast away at the
> transgressors. Their silence about his excesses speaks volumes about the
> true nature of TMers and their supposed "superiority," morality-wise.
> But, having said all this, I don't think that being a TM bigot is really
> Nabby's problem.
> I think it's that he's German.
> Germans are, after all, the nationality that produced Hitler and the
> Holocaust. They are the nationality that produced Raja Immanuel, who was
> so Maharishi-whipped that he preached for TM as a method of creating an
> "Invincible Germany," clueless to the fact that this would make him --
> and Maharishi -- sound like Neo-Nazis, even in Germany itself. Even in
> the TM movement, Germans have long been looked down upon as the
> backwards, wannabee-fascists they are. Think about WYMS, the gangster
> brigade created by Maharishi who became hated movement-wide for their
> strongarm tactics and oh-so-superior Aryan ways.
> So for lurkers who are looking for an explanation as to Nabby's
> craziness and excesses, although it is tempting to blame them on a
> lifetime of being a TM cultist and thus having been brainwashed by
> Maharishi, I don't think that's the whole story. You can't really blame
> the things Nabby believes and says on TM alone. It's in his blood.
> ANYONE of German ancestry is like this. It just comes with the
> territory, and is part of the collective gene pool. Germans and the
> descendants of Germans just can't help themselves; they're the retards
> of the human race.
> You know...the same way that being critical of TM or Maharishi is
> inextricably tied to being Buddhist. :-)

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