Yes, donate NOW!

 From: wleed3 <>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2012 1:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Obama's Unions Spread Their Attacks
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Dear Fellow Conservative, 

The very thing I've been warning you about for months is happening. 

Union factions were successful in forcing a recall election on Wisconsin 
Governor Scott Walker.  With that election scheduled for June 5, they've moved 
their focus to their next target: Michigan's Republican Governor. 

We must defeat the unions by delivering a victory for Governor Walker on June 
5, to prevent them from gaining traction in Michigan and heading to your state 
next. So stand with me and defend Governor Walker's limited government, 
pro-business agenda by making a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more today. 

Unions have created a special working class in this country and for too long 
we've allowed them to hold us hostage. This is America and we operate on a free 
market economic system. We pay for what we use, we don't take handouts! 
Unfortunately, the unions and President Obama are in cahoots to transform 
American into a Nanny State—and together, they're prepared to spend upwards of 
a billion dollars to succeed. 

The outcome of the Walker recall election will determine if the Obama-union big 
government movement fizzles out or marches on to victory in November. If you've 
had enough of their entitlement programs and efforts to redistribute wealth in 
this country, I need your help to prevent four more years of it. 

Please follow this link right away to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 
or more and defend Governor Walker's conservative agenda. 

Time is running out, so please act now.  Thank you in advance. 


Peter M. Horkan
Founder, Alliance for a Stronger Wisconsin

P.S. The Walker recall election will determine the future of this country. Will 
America return to the limited government, pro-business policies that made us 
great? Or will the Obama-union machine continue to hold us hostage with their 
Nanny State aspirations? Your immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or 
more will ensure a Scott Walker victory and the future of our shared 
conservative values. But I need you to act now! Please follow this link right 
away to make an emergency donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more. 


Paid for and authorized by Alliance for a Stronger Wisconsin
Andy Lamb Treasurer 


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