Oh, let's finish this. Let's bring it right to current events. So here I sit. I 
have my partner's consciousness in his body, speaking to you in your country of 
Chile. Perhaps you think I don't know where I am? Oh, yes I do. I am where the 
Kundalini of the planet is arriving. It's a 36-year transitional event, just 
like the galactic alignment. It's part of the 13,000-year half-cycle of the 
oscillation of the precession of Earth [the Earth's wobble, that causes the 
galactic alignment cycle]. And this movement is not an accident. The spiritual 
heart center of this planet is realigning itself from that place you call India 
and Tibet, and moving to the bottom of South America. The entire continent will 
feel it, but the center of it is here [southern Chile].



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