--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote: > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote: > > > > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] > > On Behalf Of sparaig > [...] > > At one point, I recall that Ted Wallace (one of the Wallace kids at least) > > was working with abu Nader on some research project. > > > > Ted lives in town here and doesn't appear to have gotten much of that gold. > > If the money was for a research project, than Nader didn't get "much of that > gold" either. BTW, Judy already posted a link that claimed that the value of > that amount of gold was actually deposited in a bank for the purposes of > research, so no-one actually "got" the gold. > > It was a PR thing, as I already pointed out. > > > L > No one on this forum really knows whether it was a PR thing, or whether Dr. Nader actually got to keep some or all of the value of the gold. The "research" mentioned in the gold-giving ceremony could easily refer to doing one's program and getting insights or cognitions from that (research on the sutras). So, he could have kept the gold and used the money to allow himself to live and do program all day.
It sounds as if he and his family have lived quite well in Paris - but that could be due to factors other than his own earnings. Or maybe he did take home a bundle - it sounds as if MMY really did want to honor him and his work. If he did, that is certainly not the same way that most others were treated financially in the TMO. But Nader is obviously a brilliant man and has applied a good deal of his energy to trying to make parallels between Vedic scriptures and some aspects of science. Maybe they made him up well for the taping, but he sure does seem to have a glow about him. I hope he is doing well, consciousness-wise. He spent a huge amount of time in Maharishi's presence, which must have had some powerful effects. At this point in his life, if he does anything, I would guess that he is going to move ahead within the tradition he knows and loves, and try to develop things further. Nothing wrong with that.