Still haven't found General Cornum's email. However, Major General Schneider's 
contact info is:

Richard Schneider

(802) 485-2065

Enjoy, Vaj.


--- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> [...]
> > I bet the Vaj fellow is already preparing an e-mail to Cornum, spreading 
> > all kinds of lies about TM while praising "mindfullness".
> > 
> Actually, I was looking for General Cornum's email so that Vaj COULD do that 
> if he wanted, but it isn't immediately obvious how to contact her (sorry Vaj).
> > Why doesn't he see that the three aspects Lord Buddha claimed were eternal 
> > also included "Truth" ?
> >
> Just as with all the other TM-ex type folk, Vaj was a True Believer when he 
> started TM and now has bounced to the opposite extreme since his 
> disillusionment.
> To be candid, many pro-TMers on this group are likely candidates to become 
> very Vaj-like should they have a change of heart later on...
> L.

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