There are two sources that talk in terms of twitching, hopping, floating, 
Yogatattva-Upanishad, and Shiva Samhita.

They're both relatively recent works, though I believe that 
Yogatattva-Upanishad is one of the "108."


--- In, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > wrote:
> > [...]
> > > This is a pointless conversation as the TMO makes all sorts
> > > of claims about consciousness that are easy to understand
> > > but it when pressed it turns out they don't mean anything!
> > > 
> > 
> > THey don't mean or imply anything special in the context of 
> > already-measured events. However, assuming that the ME is real, Yogic 
> > Flying, 3rd (4th?) stage is real, etc., the theory is "waiting in the 
> > wings."
> > 
> > 
> It seems to me the stages according to Bhojadeva* are as follows:
> 1. yathaaruci jale: (*locative* sing; walking) on water as he likes, or stuff
> 2. uurNa-naabha-tantu-jaalena (*instrumental* sing.): on(?) a spider's web**
> 3. aaditya-rasmibhiH (instr. pl.) on (or perhaps rather 'with the
> help of', or somesuch) the rays of the sun.
> 4. yatheSTam aakaashena (instr. sing.) : as one wishes, through(?) aakaasha
> *vR^ittiH \-\-\- kAyaH pA~nchabhautikaM sharIram .
> tasyAkAshenAvakAshadAyakena yaH sambandhastatra saMyamaM vidhAya laghuni
> tUlAdau samApattiM tanmayIbhAvalakShaNAM vidhAya prAptAtilaghubhAvo
> yogI prathamaM yathAruchi jale saMcharaNakrameNorNanAbhatantujAlena
> saMcharamANa Adityarashmibhishcha viharan yatheShTamAkAshena gachChati .. 42..
> ** jala = water; jaala = web

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