I tried to give away my car! What wrong with that? That girl needed my car. But 
I tried to give in but when she asked to call my dad to see if it was okay. I 
let her do it because it was right thing to do in my head. Although I knew damn 
well I was giving into fear. Then everything got fucked up. My parents are 
being negative about it. They essentially call me a moron, what do you guys 
think. If I didn't need the thing and I was being honest, "you have my car" 
What wrong with that? Is there something wrong with trusting your parents? My 
whole night is getting fucked up from this. I could have given into my mastery 
and trusted my intuition and said what's wrong with it, nothing as it touches 
me right. As jesus said be in the world but not of world. Am I just not using 
common sence, if I use common sense I get fucked. My parents called the girl a 
druggy, a liar, and horrible person as she probally would just crash the car. 
She told how much appritates if I gave it to her as it would mean the world to 
her as she doesn't have a car. Is there something wrong with that. Spirituality 
is fucking me for trying to leave this place as it's the only place I have to 
be close home to Fairfield. What's wrong with me am I just losing my mind?

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