Om Em,
Yes, vasanas.  We all have them or get them in ways.  Thought forms that can 
lodge in the energy system.  Clearing them is a sort of a process of 
transforming to transcend and transcending to transform.  You know who is 
really helpful with this is our own, XX.  A guy driven off the list several 
times by some of the negative people here with short-fused aggressive 
intellectual vasanas on FFL.  I dare not mention XX's name or it shall trigger 
a palsied agitation and retribution in some here.  However, there are some 
people in Fairfield or around the meditating community that are adept at 
navigating this problem.  It's a spiritual life skill-set.
-Buck in the Dome   

--- In, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Yesterday, I was back at the cranial-sacral guy, who is apparently also 
> visited by loving "beings" here and there who ask permission to help him.  He 
> is the "cleanest", kindest, most non-judgmental gentle person I have ever 
> met, has many years of experience, has studied with many different people, 
> and he is fully dedicated to his healing work which extends beyond just the  
> "cranial-sacral" modality. 
> I was having a hard time quieting my brain down and feeling my body and have 
> in general been in a lot of physical/mental/emotional pain of late, feeling 
> like there is a concrete stone pressing on my heart/chest, feeling 
> increasingly very heavy, dark, angry, uncomfortable, and somewhat desperate 
> and panic-stricken. Instead of addressing the core reasons and/or the 
> subconscious belief system/negative messages/patterns that run below the 
> surface, I have been doing what I can to escape from my body/my self - an odd 
> combination of healthy and unhealthy practices, if I do say so myself - 
> relieving symptoms temporarily, creating more symptoms, and marking time 
> waiting for the other shoe to drop.  
> So, there I was yesterday, lying on the table, attempting to focus on my 
> breath and connect with the earth's energy and feel myself in my body, and I 
> noticed that the cranial-sacral guy seemed to be working on me with real 
> intensity, working on my head, pressing on my heart area, etc.  The energy in 
> the room was almost palpable.  All of a sudden, I opened my eyes to see him 
> acting like he was pulling something out of my torso area and I felt a 
> "whoosh" sound, without the sound.  Almost instantaneously, I felt 
> substantially lighter and grounded and the thought came to me that I have to 
> start helping my practitioners help me - I have to start taking 
> responsibility for my recovery (so to speak) - I have to transform the way I 
> exist on the planet.  I have to stop punishing myself and start affirming my 
> right to exist and live.  I want to give something back before I die.  
> He told me he removed a "negative entity" that was inhabiting me.  He is not 
> the first practitioner to energetically remove dark energy from me. Whether I 
> manifest this myself or whether I allow some other "entity" to inhabit my 
> being/body, I don't know, nor do I care.  I was simultaneously giddy and 
> exhausted and energized from the experience, which makes very little sense.  
> But, for me, I don't need to transcend, I need to transform.  Although using 
> certain definitions, they are one and the same.  I want to inhabit my body 
> and empower my spirit.  The negative beliefs I have about myself are false, a 
> self-destructive illusion, but they still run the show more times than not.  
> It is my responsibility to claim my right to exist on this planet and align 
> myself in a way that respects myself and others and reflects personal 
> integrity and honesty.  The kids deserve it, but equally as important is the 
> idea that I deserve it as well.

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