Message: 1
   Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:51:14 -0700
   From: Milson Macleod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Message from St Germain, 25th August, 2005
ThurAs you would see events upon Earth, they are reaching a critical point
when something has to give. The pressures all around cannot help but
bring a conclusion of some kind. The energies created for change are
coming together and are approaching that level where a quantum leap
forward is about to occur. Everything in life is about energy and the
place it has in creation. It may take time for events to manifest, as
for example the removal of the Berlin Wall, but they will eventually
take place. This is because you motivated and charged the changes that
you desire.
When you move into the higher dimensions, your ability to create is
instantaneous through the use of focused thought power. Even in the
lower levels such as the astral regions this ability still exists and
perhaps you will see that it is quite natural to you. This is why we
continually remind you to take care as to what you wish into being,
because as it takes time to manifest you do not always associate the
result directly with yourself. It is not even necessary for you to
consciously desire something, as the thoughts themselves will attract
situations to you. It will sound strange, but even though your thoughts
could consistently be of something you do not wish to happen, such as
something you feared, it would still come to you.
You may feel logically that you can repel what it is that is not
desirable, but the best approach is to let things be. Take for example
one of your regular concerns where your health is required. Many of you
are racked by the fear of getting cancer, in fact some people are
convinced that they will get it, and sometimes their greatest fears are
realized. However, if you can discipline yourself sufficiently to take a
positive approach, you can help protect yourself with affirmations that
your body is healthy, and praise the main organs of your body for being
strong and healthy. The word has power and it can be used for your own
If you think of how healing works, through the use of prayer and
affirmations you have a perfect example as to what I am referring. The
word along with visualization techniques "talks" to your body in which
every cell has a consciousness. Body cells talk to each other and are
programmed to carry out certain tasks. Because of the perfection of the
body and its natural function day in and day out, you probably give
little thought as to how it takes place. The body is a great hub of
activity that can respond to your input, and if it is abused will let
you know so that you can deal with it. Pain for example is there to warn
you of danger or injury, fatigue is there to tell you that your energy
is spent, and so it goes on where natural functions of the body signal
to you when your attention is needed.
Now, I do realize that life on Earth is not quite a simple as I have
indicated. However you have to approach it from a point of strength and
affirm daily what it is that you require. Some of the most successful
people in life have had that single pointed desire to achieve a certain
goal, and absolutely nothing has detracted them from their aims. Through
reasons of karma and your life plan is another factor that comes into
play. However, you can still affect the outcome of events in your life
even if you cannot stop them. Attitude is so important when you are
dealing with problems, and if you can always take a positive view it
will lessen the impact that they can have upon you.
You will know by now that your prayers are always heard, but that you
will not always get the response you hope for, or necessarily when you
expected it. However, the energy creates the possibility for a response.
When a loved one is ill, you your family and friends consciously or
otherwise send loving thoughts to them and this creates an energy around
them that has healing qualities. This is how absent healing works, and
why some healers ask you for a photograph so that they can use
visualization techniques. When you have physical healing, whether or not
the healer is aware of it, there is a thought process also involved
which is just as important and effective.
Dear Ones, whatever it is you desire is within your power to manifest.
  From life to life you have carried forward certain desires that
ultimately have become part of your life plan. You create life around
you, and it is no good waiting for it to come to you. Be dynamic and
purposeful, be definite and positive as to what it is you require, and
it will surely manifest at some time. Look at how you have collectively
brought your consciousness to bear upon those who advocate war. You have
projected a different scenario of peace and an end to war, and those
energies have caused changes to begin that will bring their ultimate
manifestation. No physical presence can stop the momentum that has
started, and as the old breaks up so the new takes its place.
Never doubt the power that you have to create, and where it is
accompanied with the energy of love it can achieve miracles. Some may
consider the events that are about to unfold as miraculous and they are
certainly due to the changes in your mass consciousness. Whilst the
end-times have been decreed to occur as the means to introduce a new
cycle, the manner in which it is taking place is due to your
contribution. The situation is now so positive that we can say that you
have all but brought the changes into your dimension. The final falling
away of the dark will be hastened by your quantum leap in the Light.
I am St. Germain, and we of the Hierarchy rejoice in your success as we
have always acknowledged your freewill to determine the manner in which
these final days would be played out. You have proved your love for each
other and recognition of the Oneness that exists. Now you come together
in those loving energies that are enfolding all life forms, and there is
a great lifting up taking place. Your future is assured and we shall all
celebrate your success. Believe me, you are quite incredible and have
yet to realize your greatness. A great love accompanies you as you move
even further into the Light and I shall be with you.
/Thank you St. Germain /
/Mike Quinsey/

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