--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Don't badrap British TV series too badly, or
> > compare them negatively to Danish TV too much. It was
> > the Brits, after all, who created brilliant series
> > such as "Life On Mars," "Luther," "Jekyll," "Sherlock,"
> > "Prime Suspect," "Smiley's People," "The Hour," and 
> > "The Shadow Line." 
> I'm one of the few people who never saw Life on Mars,
> but I didn't like most of the others with the exception
> of Smileys People. Sherlock had its moments though, I
> gave it a try even though I'm a Sherlock traditionalist
> and thought the characters were excellent but I'm no
> fan of Moffat's writing style - I might just be too old
> fashioned!

I'm a big fan of Steven Moffat *and* a Sherlock Holmes
traditionalist, which is why I loved the series. Espec-
ially compared to the utter dreck produced by Guy Ritchie
with the more recent Holmes movies, starring Robert 
Downey, Jr. They were an embarrassment for all concerned,
and a case can be made for Ritchie never having read a 
single Conan Doyle story before making them. That cannot
be said of Moffat. 

As for "Life On Mars," I thought it was wonderful, but
understand that not all agree. 

> > Yeah, they created some dreck, too, but I'd be willing
> > to bet that if we saw a cross section of Danish and
> > Swedish TV, and not just the cherry-picked "best of
> > the bunch," they produce a lot of dreck, too. :-)
> You could well be right here but the ones I've seen have
> a style about them I love, The Bridge was preposterous
> on paper but somehow they pulled it off, effortlessly
> making it the best thing on TV so far this year for me.
> And it wasn't even a big budget production, just good
> camera work and convincing acting. 

I agree -- it's the best TV drama I've seen this year,
and I fully expect it to give "Breaking Bad" and the 
second season of "Boss" a run for its money in the Emmy
and Golden Globe nominations. 

> Too many Brit shows 
> fall behind but Line of Duty bucks the trend in the right
> direction, I've only seen the first episode though!

Careful about making your own judgments about such 
things. There is a contingent here who believe that
you should only weigh the merits of a TV show based
on what those who are "competent" to assess them tell
you. Some of this contingent believe this so thoroughly
that they've made posts claiming that a film's director
is a "Christian bigot," based on never having seen the
film they're condemning him for, but having read a 
review of it by one of these "competent" critics. 

Now you may begin to understand why such people *also*
tend to believe that they know "all about" techniques
of meditation and self discovery that they've never
learned, and never will. They trust the "competence"
of people like Maharishi, who never learned them,
either.  :-)

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