On 07/11/2012 11:43 AM, wgm4u wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
>> Billy - *access* to healthy food for low-income populations is an issue. Â 
>> *Access* to good education, *access* to affordable healthcare, *access* to 
>> opportunity for many across the economic spectrum is an increasing problem 
>> for those that have lost jobs, lost their retirement, are raising a family, 
>> are maintaining households and who may have health issues or are in an older 
>> demographic. Â Your tendency to throw out these simplistic conclusion based 
>> on uninformed prejudice is pathetic. Â  Please go move to a severely 
>> economically depressed area that lacks real food and try and do something to 
>> change the situation. Â Your worldview seems far too narrow. Â Do you live 
>> in a gated community? Â
>> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=high-and-dry-in-the-food
> You are so right!  We need to socialize everything!! That's the solution!!
> PS Why are 'poor' people fat?

I know a lot of poor people who are not fat.  The ones that are probably 
eating too much refined carbs because they can't afford much protein nor 
afford to see a good nutritional counselor that can .  But that all 
depends on the metabolism but our "modern" medicine thinks that one size 
shoe fits all and are centuries behind Asian medicine.

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