dear Robin,
As the groupie of the shortest duration, I will offer the shortest prayer:

I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

 From: Robin Carlsen <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes that really cry out for a graphic

Dear Barry Wright,

It's taken awhile, but when I first read this post of yours, I was shocked, 
outraged, apoplectic even.

Because it seemed so very false to my experience of myself over the course of 
my entire life.

But when one has a strong repugnance for something said about one by someone 
else one should always try to get past that first reaction, and see whether 
something as unflattering and insulting as what you have said about me might 
just have some truth in it.

I am prepared to acknowledge there is *some* truth in what you have said here, 
Barry. But beyond that, even if I quarrel with the extent of your indictment of 
me (trying to see some differences between myself and Charlie Mason), my 
attention is drawn to something much more persuasive. And what would that be?

The innocent disinterestedness, the self-evident searching of your very soul to 
arrive at this conclusion, a conclusion which must have been almost as hard for 
you to say it as it was for me to receive it. And if there are readers who are 
defensive on my behalf, believing that Charlie is slightly more dangerous and 
disturbed than I am, I would ask those readers to try to imagine just what it 
was within Barry that inspired him to post this. 

Because I believe if you really try to fathom the subtext of his post, you 
cannot help but conclude: Sorry, there, Robin: But this feels clean, it feels 
true, it feels pure, it feels honest, it feels right.

If I can sense this proof of the validity of what Barry has said about me—that 
is, his motive and state of being in saying it—then I don't even have to ask 
myself whether the content of what he has said is true—that I am worse than 
Charlie Manson (and let this be a wake-up call to you groupies—all of you);—I 
only have to feel the generosity and discernment of the heart which was moved 
to hurt in order to heal.

And finally to be delivered from my reflexive irony; this is even more 
liberating to me.

No more groupies for Robin.

No one can even begin to know the devastation, though, that has gone right 
through me in having taken in what Barry has said about me tonight.

I would ask all my former groupies to pray for me.

You really are a fun guy, Barry. But we just might not get along in eternity. 
Think about that, will you.


--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Now, regarding groupies on FFL, that's really an interesting
> > phenomenon. I just don't dig the mindset of the groupie yet,
> > it goes beyond me.
> I think the most fascinating thing about using the word "groupie" to
> refer to people who attach themselves to others like remoras is the
> Incredibly Low Standards they tend to exhibit when choosing a shark.
> I mean, attaching oneself to a spiritual teacher with a tiny bit of
> charisma like Maharishi is one thing. But (as you point out) doing
> the same thing with Charles Manson? Mind not boggled enough yet?
> Try to imagine the standards of someone who tries to become a
> groupie to someone like Robin, or Judy.
> [ | 
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