On 07/18/2012 01:10 PM, John wrote:
> He's been saying this for many years now despite being told by the State of 
> Hawaii that the certificate is authentic.  It's apparent that someone from 
> the Republican spin machine is egging this guy to play this old record again 
> for this election year.
> http://news.yahoo.com/ariz-sheriff-says-obama-birth-certificate-fake-072751943.html

So who is the "father of the day"?  The Kenyan guy or the poet in 
residence?   Some think it is the latter but and the Kenyan guy a 
"marriage of convenience."  The poet was a "communist" (Obama  looks 
more like him) but then who wasn't in those days of the counterfeit 
Vietnam War?  At the worst, the poet would only be an embarrassing 
situation and nothing more.

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