On 07/24/2012 01:59 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 07/24/2012 01:36 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> ...at sunset, with a light fog rising from the canals...
>>> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/285793_30402501302\0523_1099026206_n.jpg]
>> You forgot to finish the render. :-D
> It's not mine; I found it somewhere on another forum.
> It's some artist's imagining of the legendary Tibetan
> city of Shambhala.
> But I found it just after a sunset walk around my town,
> and there was a quality of silence to the painting/
> graphic that I had just immersed myself in here. What-
> ever is going on on the surface of life, the silence
> here is never far enough away to not be noticed.

Let's not forget that Fairfiled is sort of an ashram since probably the 
majority there are TMers or ex-TMers.  That's why they may not 
understand when I rap the "flatlanders" out here in the world as being a 
bit tweaked.  They aren't experiencing those kind of people so much in 
FF as they might say in Chicago or even maybe Iowa City. Fairfield, I've 
always viewed as an "escape" from the everyday world just as I know 
people up in Seattle that moved to one of the San Juan islands as an escape.

Fairfield also reminded me of Sonoma, CA but in the corn fields (or 
desert as someone pointed out yesterday) and Sonoma is in the vineyards 
(and not so dry).  It is also a community with a number of new agers, 
maybe a bit more Sante Fe like.

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