Here are some of the policies which I would characterize as 'Neo-Facist'...
1. Suppress the Opposition Vote, wherever possible...
2. Start rumors of 'Secret Muslim' accusing Hillary's aid and 
President Obama/spreading these rumors through the 'Christian Right Wing 
3. Create 'Big Lies' in 'advertizing' and repeat those lies...over and over 
4. Allow the 'Elite Rich' to hide money and avoid paying taxes, while 
increasing taxes on the Middle Class and the Poor..
5. Create an atmosphere of 'Homophobia'...and hatred towards that group...
6, Create an atmosphere of tension and in world affairs, thus providing for 
war-mongering profits.
7. Protect the oil interests at all levels, and suppress the desire for 
alternative fuels...
8. Lie about the reality of 'Global Warming'....
9. Add your own observation.

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