On 08/05/2012 12:00 PM, John wrote:
> But he won't say what it is for the time being.  IMO, it's the same old tax 
> cut for everyone.  While it sounds good on paper, the country will bear more 
> debt burden to run the government.
> http://news.yahoo.com/romney-wants-something-dramatic-aid-economy-130451788.html

That's because he doesn't know what to do.  Is he an economist? No.  
He's bluffing just to get the vote.  Such bullshit!

Otherwise he might be plotting to suspend the Constitution, end Congress 
and make the US a corporate state.  IOW, corporate communism.  Some of 
us are wondering why DHS has posted bids for riot gear they believe they 
need and need it soon.  Some think it is for the conventions but I'm 
betting it might a prediction of the dollar collapsing soon.  Or food 
riots this fall.  Note how the press pushes the drought and coming food 
shortage off the front pages.  It's , "no, no, look over here, see the 
Olympics".  Bread and circuses (maybe lacking the bread though).

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