Sounds kinda counter to everything I have ever heard MMY say...


--- In, Robert <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> When you can become aware of 'witnessing the witnessor' then you will be 
> opening the door to Brahman Consciousness...
> �
> Herein lies the process of this witnessing expanding to include the whole 
> cosmos...
> �
> Just like we are 'remembering the mantra' in TM...
> And, just like we are 'remembering the flavor(feeling of sutra)Sutra...
> Then, just like this, we are remembering the witnessing value of our 
> awareness...
> �
> Whether we are practicing TM or Sutra Practice or Asana Practice or Pranayama 
> Practice, we can remember to remember the witnessing value of our 
> awareness....
> �
> 'What we place our attention on grows',...
> �
> Therefore, as we continue the practice of placing our awareness on the 
> witnessing aspect of our awarness, then the ability to maintain the 
> witnessing aspect begins to take hold and grow in our geneal 
> awarness....whether we happen to be in deep sleep or dreaming or just waking 
> up, we allow this witnessing value of our awareness to maintain itself 
> fully...
> �
> We just need to 'Remember to remember'/ And because we are familiar with 
> Dyhana Shakti, the inward stroke of meditation, we immediately feel the 
> 'seeing within toward that witnessing aspect of our own awareness...
> �
> This witnessing value, begins to realize in time, that it can 'Return to 
> Itself' over and over again and create from it's own nature of 'Beingness'...
> �
> Our 'Beingness' becomes more lively as we practice maintaining our awareness 
> at the very source of thought within, that which is beyond thought, to the 
> witnessing aspect of our own consciousness...
> �
> Jai Guru Dev

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