--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lordknows888" <lordknows888@...> wrote:
> Dear Robin,
> Two lines have come to me which express the sense I now have 
> about what has transpired between us over the last few days
> the door closes with a gentle sigh behind me
> stepping into a quiet dawn, shhhh what is that sound
> That is the simple sense I have, let it be.

Good exit line. Classy.

Compare and contrast to Judy's. Having succeeded in
dragging Curtis' name into a forum on which he no
longer participates, having intentionally mischar-
acterized him in hopes of luring him into coming 
back long enough to defend himself, Judy uses the 
opportunity of what she believes is a "captive
audience" to unload on him, trying to fit all
the hatred she's built up over many years into
one last hate-filled, hysterical, stomp-away-and-
slam-the-door-behind-her Drama Queen tirade:

> Oh, Curtis, go melt down your curdled testosterone on
> somebody else. I didn't "lie" and you know it. Nor
> was what I said about you in the least bit malicious.
> For Christ's sake, I was *defending your buddy* to
> Rick. Your buddy's the one who actually *did* lie to
> try to make your conflict with Ravi appear to be what
> had gotten Ravi bounced, and to try to convince readers
> I had lied when he knew otherwise. It's no wonder you
> didn't correct him.
> Unlike you, I try to go with what is *right*, not with
> who my buddies are. It wasn't *right* for Dan Friedman
> to post rumors about Barry's sexuality, any more than
> it was right for Ravi to accuse you of being a predator.
> Same situation. The latter very likely did play a major 
> role in Ravi getting canned. You yourself said his
> having revealed someone's real name was only what
> "tipped the balance." And that's what I said too, that
> revealing the name was the *proximate* cause, regardless
> of what else went into it.
> So unwind your panties and try to calm down. You're
> just making yourself look as foolish as your buddy
> does when he gets into one of his snits and loses all
> control of himself. Find somebody who gives a shit to
> beat up on and make yourself feel all manly. Sheesh,
> you've got yourself so twisted up you're blowing your
> self-righteousness right out your ass. And believe me,
> it already smelled bad enough in here before you let
> loose.
> Faugh. What a creep.

Some people have class, and some don't. Simple
as that...

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