I didn't watch this, but I was an avid follower of "Six Feet Under" - thought 
it was magnificent.  

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] True Cult

A rap for those who are still following "True Blood," 
during the last season series creator Alan Ball has 
said he will be involved as show runner. 

I think it's a helluva swan song, and simply cannot 
wait to see how he resolves things in the last episode 
of the season next Sunday, before turning the reins 
over to someone else. 

He's done something that no one else I know of in the
entire canon of vampire movies/TV/literature have ever
done -- invented a vampire religion. And it's a cult.

The TB vamps believe in a goddess named Lilith, who 
appears to them when they drink of her Holy Blood. 
They have a vampire Bible, and the whole bit. And in
it, Lilith declares that vamps were the first beings
to grace this planet, and that humans are merely 
degraded, icky versions of themselves, and suitable
only for feeding on. Vamps rule, and those puny humans
are as on-their-way-out as Maharishi thought capitalism
was. And good riddance. 

The kicker of all of this, of course, is that during
the course of the show we've been conditioned to think
of Vampire Bill as a Good Guy. Yeah, he may have to 
drink blood from time to time, but he loves Sookie and
all, and besides, he's so charismatic and handsome. 

But in this latest, swan-song season, Bill has gone
WAY over to the Dark Side. He has drunk not only blood, 
but Kool-Aid, and big-time. All over America, die-hard
fans are saying, "WTF...there is only one episode left,
and Bill hasn't revealed himself as 'only pretending,'
and not really under the sway of this vampire cult."
They're still waiting for the Happy Ending. 

What if it doesn't come?

What if the allure of cult conditioning really IS more
powerful than love or all those other things people 
like to believe will win out in the end? 

Me, I have no theories and no predictions. I just wait
to see what Mr. Ball has in store for us next week. 
Unlike many in his audience, I have no illusions about
beings (human or vampire) being able to resist the
glammer of cult conditioning. 

But it'll be interesting to see where *he* takes it.


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