>From "The Rational Optimist - How Prosperity Evolves", by Matt Ridley, Harper; 
>p. 128.
"...at 7,600 years ago, farmers who were happily cultivating the fertile plains 
around the "Euxine Lake" suffered a rude shock, when rising sea levels burst 
over the hellespont and flooded into the lake's basin, filling it at a rate of 
six inches a day till it became the modern Black Sea.  Baffled refugees 
presumably fled up the Danube into the heart of Europe."

" By 5,000 years ago, farmers had reached Ireland, Spain, Ethiopia and India".

"Other descendants of the Black Sea refugees took to the plains of what is now 
Ukraine where they domesticated the horse and developed a new language, 
Indo-European, that would come to dominate the western half of the Eurasian 
continent, and of which Sanskrit and Gaelic are both descendants."

" It was also somehwere near the Baltic or the Black Sea between 6,000 and 
10,000 years ago that a genetic mutation, substituting G for A in a control 
sequence upstream of a pigment gene called OCA2, gave adults blue eyes for the 
first time. It was a mutation that would eventually be inherited by nearly 40 
percent of Europeans."

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