I missed this one until Emily quoted it. This man has lost
any marbles he may have had. Vaj lied to Barry, Barry
stupidly repeated the lie on FFL, Ann told him it was a lie,
and Barry *goes off on Ann*.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It is also worth pointing out that, now that Vaj's
> > > credibility as someone who was actually there has
> > > been verified by someone else who was there, Ann
> > > has been in touch via email with many other people
> > > from the former hierarchy of Robin's cult whom Vaj 
> > > might have known in the past, revealing how to get
> > > in touch with him. They have now been hounding him 
> > > trying to get him to talk on the telephone with them. 
> > > As Vaj commented to me, "Thanks, Ann...not."
> > 
> > Your friend Vaj has been lying to you or you are 
> > purposefully skewing the truth Mr Wright. I have 
> > never given anyone Vaj's personal contact information. 
> > Anyone who has been in touch with Mr Vaj is either a 
> > family member or Lord Knows. All of whom knew how to 
> > contact him anyway. So this I can tell you, is an out 
> > and out lie by Vaj and by yourself. Now who has the agenda?
> I am merely passing along what I have been told. If it
> is incorrect, my bad. But it certainly seems believable
> to me, given how much you still seem to obsess on Robin
> and those of your fellow cultists

Where exactly does Barry find Ann obsessing on her
"fellow cultists"? The only other of Robin's former
followers to post here was Lord Knows, and Ann didn't
"obsess on" him any more than she does on Robin.

> who still seem to be 
> unwilling to admit, even as a possibility, "We were young, 
> naive, and stupid, and we got taken in by a charismatic 
> charlatan."

Obviously this is exactly what Lord Knows thought, and he
made no bones about it. So that eliminates him as one of
Ann's "fellow cultists" whom Barry insists she obsesses on.

Oh, forgot about Vaj, who *claims* to be one of Robin's
former followers, although neither Robin nor Ann remember
him. But he *also* thinks Robin was "a charismatic
charlatan," so he can't be counted as one of Ann's "fellow
cultists" either.

Remember Barry is the person who got "taken in" by a
"charismatic charlatan" (who later committed suicide),
and he still quotes him and cites his ideas approvingly,
as well as maintaining it was an experience he doesn't

At least Ann had the cojones to *take action* against
Robin when he went off the rails. Barry couldn't be
bothered to do anything to stop Freddy Lenz.

> I would say that *your* credibility is more established
> by you still thinking of your fellow cultists as "us"
> and as "family" -- 25 years later

What the hell is Barry talking about? Ann didn't refer
to any of her "fellow cultists" as "us" or "family."
By "family" above, she meant *Vaj's* family. And she
didn't use the word "us" at all. Even if she had, what
exactly would be wrong with her using the term "us" to
refer to members of a group she spent several years
with? What would that have to do with her credibility?

This is all utterly absurd, but Barry is completely
oblivious to what total nonsense he's writing.

 - and still obsessing 
> on the cult and its founder by stalking him than by 
> anything else.

Ann is "stalking" Robin? What could this *possibly*
mean in Barry's sick mind?

> I'm still aghast that *anyone* would have been taken
> in by him and his act in the first place.

Says Barry, *who wasn't there*, who has *no* idea of
what the experience of being around Robin was like.

> But to still
> be hanging around acting like a groupie, trying to get 
> him to notice you?

Just insane. There's no other word for it. Something is
very, very, VERY wrong with Barry.

> NOT something that makes me want to 
> interact with you.

News flash: Ann doesn't have the slightest desire to
interact with Barry. She thinks he's an obnoxious jerk,
like so many of the rest of us do. Yet he's fantasizing
she's yearning to interact with him.

> Have you *looked up* Squeaky Fromme? Do you know who
> you are being compared to?

This is not a comparison you want to remind anyone
you've made, Barry.

> [ That last is a rhetorical question. I'm replying to
> this just in case I was given misinformation about your
> role in setting fellow stalkers on Vaj's ass. I doubt
> that this is the case,

Now Barry's accusing *Ann* of lying.

 but just in case. I will *not*,
> however, read anything of yours in the future, or feel
> as if I owe you any kind of response, should you feel
> compelled to make one. Are we clear on this? You've
> been dumped. Try to handle it better than Judy has. ]

Barry's solipsistic fantasies now have total control
over him.

I've thought Barry was on the verge of a breakdown on
several occasions before. He's closer to it now than he's
ever been.

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