He should have discussed how the transit of Mars and Saturn would affect the 
USA birth chart. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "David Goldstein, Ph.D." <David@...>
> To: sharelong60@... 
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 7:14 PM
> Subject: Vedic Astrology Monthly Outlook
> Vedic Astrology Monthly Outlook  
>   Feeling frustrated & overwhelmed simultaneously?  Can't tell if you are 
> coming or going lately? Read more to understand how the current planetary 
> transits reflect such experiences and when this will change.... Is this email 
> not displaying correctly?
> View it in your browser.   
> Vedic Astrological Outlook for September 2012
> www.Dgoldsteinphd.com  
>       The major theme this month continues to be the emphasis on the 
> Mars/Saturn conjunction.  As described in last months’ newsletter, Mars 
> and Saturn came to an exact conjunction on August 14th.   However, both 
> planets continue transiting through Libra during the entire month of 
> September, until 9/28, when Mars moves into Scorpio, its own very strong 
> sign.  Until that time, we continue to experience this “push/pull” 
> dynamic, with one-step forward, two steps back, three steps forward, one step 
> back in various areas of our lives.  If you have been feeling overwhelmed, 
> impatient, thwarted, blocked, frustrated or simply confused or frozen in 
> time, for the past two months, it’s likely that you are being influenced 
> directly by this intense Mars/Saturn transit.  As Mars and Saturn separate 
> over September, the impact of the intense conjunction will gradually soften, 
> and the energies will level out.   
> Understanding the Impact of Planetary Conjunctions:
>      When two planets conjunct tightly (within one degree of each other), 
> they become entwined, as if they are now one being or entity.  Think of two 
> people living in the same house together and being forced to share that space 
> for a given period of time, for better or worse.  When two planets have no 
> separation by degree, it’s as if they are sharing the same bed and remain 
> that close.  If the two planets involved share a lot in common, respect each 
> other, are friendly to each other and mutually enjoy each other’s company, 
> then it’s wonderful.  While a planetary conjunction is very intense 
> because the energy is so concentrated, the vibratory frequency can either 
> move in a smooth, harmonious direction at one extreme, or in a ragged, harsh 
> tumultuous direction at the other end of a continuous spectrum. 
>      So, in the case of this current Mars/Saturn conjunction, we are 
> observing an extreme of two bitter enemies forced to live in close 
> quarters.  They have little in common, except that they are both malefic 
> energies.  They don’t like each other’s style; philosophy, life 
> outlook/approach and they have completely opposite methods of functioning.   
> Imagine a Mars person and a Saturn person sharing the same bed.  Mars is 
> hot, impatient, adventurous, restless, wanting to move fast, with strong 
> desires and high energy.  Saturn is cold, withdrawn, slow, focused, serious, 
> critical and judgmental.  
>      Mars is absolutely frustrated being held back by Saturn during this 
> conjunction, while Saturn is irritated and annoyed by Mars’ frenetic energy 
> pattern.  Hence, this is the “push” “pull” experience many of us are 
> rolling through these days.  You don’t know if you are coming or going!  
> Everything goes too fast and yet results are not fast enough!!   This is 
> exactly the dynamic posed by this Mars/Saturn conjunction.  
>      During August, Mars and Saturn were in bed together, as the 
> conjunction was that close by exact degree in Libra.  Now, as September 
> progresses, Mars and Saturn are separating.  They are not in the same bed, 
> but in early September they are still sharing the bathroom and the rest of 
> the house.  As the weeks progress, Mars and Saturn move to separate rooms 
> and get farther away from each other. Mars jumps ahead and makes plans to 
> “move out!”   Ah, there will be much better breathing room between these 
> two planets, once we get into October. 
>      In fact, Mars moves into its own strong sign of Scorpio on 9/28, 
> gains some strength as October arrives and gets intensified in power, by an 
> exact conjunction with Rahu on 10/2.  Moreover, Jupiter will aspect this 
> Mars/Rahu combination, creating an extremely powerful Mars with more energy, 
> intensity and power than can even be described by human language!  Mars will 
> be amplified in October and life will start moving very rapidly.  More on 
> this transit in the October newsletter!  
>      For now, it’s important to simply understand how the power of two 
> planets in conjunction may be experienced energetically.  If you previously 
> understood this concept in purely academic terms, now you have the 
> opportunity to taste, breathe and digest the real thing---here it is to 
> observe, Mars and Saturn in conjunction!  You can now understand how the 
> Mars/Saturn aspects are often one signature for high blood pressure in a 
> natal chart.  It is this intense pressure combination that must be 
> released.  It’s an earthquake, a volcano, a hurricane, a war, an ending or 
> death, intensity and pressure all wrapped up in a package!
>      As September progresses, this pressure abates and the intensity 
> dissipates.  Just a few more weeks of this particular Mars/Saturn transit. 
>   Keep your eye on the “big picture” and certainly this month, 
> “patience is a virtue, Mr. Mars.”  Your time will come soon enough! 
> September 2012 Outlook:
>      Other planetary events during September 2012 include Venus transiting 
> into Cancer on 9/1 and will move through the sign until 9/28, when it then 
> moves into Leo.  This month, Venus’ transit through Cancer brings comfort 
> and pleasure through the home and family.  The desire to enhance or decorate 
> your surroundings, cook, and improve the home will be strong. This transit 
> also strengthens real estate transactions as it brings a desire for security 
> and having a comfortable home.  There is also an emphasis on nurturing, 
> emotional expression, education and later in the month, transformation and 
> healing.  
>      However, on 9/2 transiting Saturn will aspect Venus to the degree, 
> creating some stress, seriousness and a critical attitude toward 
> relationships, the home life, finances, pleasures and comforts.  Venus then 
> moves ahead and separates as the month progresses.  This may be a month 
> where relationships are evaluated with a more critical, serious attitude, 
> focusing on whether security and underlying support exists or not.  
>      On 9/13, Mercury enters its exalted sign of Virgo.  Mercury will 
> also receive the benefic aspect of Jupiter.   Mercury remains in exalted 
> Virgo until 10/1/2012.  So, the last two weeks of this month will be 
> excellent for analytical pursuits, mechanical efforts, building, creating, 
> computer work, studies and organizational efforts.  It will be a good two 
> weeks for communications and technological efforts.  
>      Finally, the Sun remains quite strong for the first two weeks of 
> September, transiting through its own sign of Leo until 9/16, when the Sun 
> then moves into Virgo and will also receive the beneficial Jupiter aspect.  
> Strong Sun brings vitality, a sense of leadership, prowess and a strong sense 
> of confidence into the atmosphere.  However, while Mars and Saturn continue 
> their tandem transit through Libra for most of September, it may be difficult 
> to get new projects or desires off the ground rapidly.  This is a good month 
> for planning, organizing, completing projects, doing your due diligence and 
> getting your life in order.  October comes in with a lot of intense power 
> and energy to get new projects going----so patience and planning are best for 
> September and initiate your plans, desires and projects in October.  
> Copyright © 2012 Vedic Astrology Institute of Central Texas, All rights 
> reserved. 
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> Our mailing address is: 
> Vedic Astrology Institute of Central Texas
> David Goldstein, Ph.D.
> P.O. Box 341015Austin, TX 78734
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