On 09/03/2012 01:14 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> [ Some SPOILERS if you're following this season and
> haven't seen this episode, but hopefully vague
> enough not to spoil things for those who still
> plan to watch the series sometime in the future. ]
> The tension in this episode was -- at least for me --
> caused more by off-screen knowledge than by anything
> happening onscreen. As the events of this episode
> proceeded -- many of them seemingly leading up to
> a kind of fairytale happy ending being tacked on to
> the end of a monster movie -- I knew that it wasn't
> the end. This is just the halfway point in a final,
> two-part series of 16 episodes.
> So I knew that the cleaning up of nine "loose ends,"
> -- all dispatched Godfather-like within two minutes
> in a kind of intense Heisenbergian fuck you to Hank
> and the DEA as well as being just good house cleaning
> -- wasn't really the end. I knew that the last scene
> between Walt and his former partner wasn't really
> the last scene. I knew that the shot of Walt and
> Skyler standing in front of a pile of money the size
> of a sports car wasn't the end.
> And I knew that the last idyllic scene by the pool
> wasn't really going to be the last scene, not as it
> stood, the retired family man having dinner with
> family and friends. Surely, I thought, something
> powerful was going to happen. Deranged Chileans
> would leap out of the bushes and spray everyone with
> machine gun fire. German terrorists paid by Lydia
> and the Madrigal corporation would set off a bomb
> and blow everything to Kingdom Come. Something like
> that.
> Nope. The ending of the first half of the last season
> of Breaking Bad -- and the setup for the second half --
> went out not with a bang but with a fart, someone
> sitting on the pot doing a little random reading.
> GLIDING o'er all, through all,
> Through Nature, Time, and Space,
> As a ship on the waters advancing,
> The voyage of the soul--not life alone,
> Death, many deaths I'll sing.

Great cliffhanger and now we have to wait until next summer to see what 
happens.  Probably the book inscription thing was a little obscure for 
most.  I'm not even sure what Hank got out of it.

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