On 09/04/2012 10:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> Taking a complete break from FFL and its sillinesses, I went out for a
> walk with my dogs and, while on it, came up with a plot for a scifi
> story. Because I've already copyrighted it, I'll share the idea with you
> while it's still fresh in my mind.
> The story is set in a slightly alternate reality to our own, because
> even when "suspending disbelief" normal people in our reality could
> never imagine that such things could happen. In this alternate reality,
> people who have developed long-standing grudges against or hatreds
> towards someone they obsess on, but who cannot afford socially to be
> perceived as being as obsessive as they really are, recruit proxies to
> do their hating for them.
> They seek our weak-willed, weak-minded, needy people and suck up to
> them, buttering them up with praise and compliments and flirting with
> them shamelessly and giving them lots and lots and lots of attention.
> Which is, of course, the very thing that needy people feel that they
> need.
> After a period of doing this, the recruiter introduces the concept of
> the Dharmic Enemy, the person who represents all of the things that he
> or she considers -- and thus by *assumption* the newly-recruited needy
> person considers as well -- the antithesis of all that is holy and
> spiritual and lofty.
> The new recruits are taught to chant holy...uh...chants. (I can't think
> yet of what to call them for the actual short story, but maybe "mantras"
> or "yagyas" or something Newagey like that.) The chants list the evil,
> terrible, horrible, lower-than-the-lint-in-a-snake's-navel qualities of
> the Dharmic Enemy, and are taught in a kind of call-and-response,
> I-stroke-you-when-you-get-it-right manner. And, of course, in this
> alternate reality, it works. The new recruits get so *into* chanting
> these holy mantras/chants/yagyas to dispel the evil, terrible, horrible,
> lower-than-the-lint-in-a-snake's-navel Dharmic Enemy from their midst
> that they eventually wind up doing it on their own.
> Then the recruiter just kicks back and allows the new recruits to do his
> or her hating for him or her.
> Think this story idea would sell, or is it too far-fetched even for the
> scifi market?

Nah.  Just reads like you're trolling the TMees again.  Give up on 
them.  They're beyond help and a waste of your time to convert.

Check out the two episode "Coma" instead which one review said was 
pretty bad though having the late Tony Scott behind it.  I missed the 
first episode but it repeats today so put both for recording on my DVR.

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