Oh yeah, it existed all right! I remember it very well. It was created not long 
after the sidhis were announced for us peon meditators and we all looked at the 
initiators that had come off the super secret 6 months courses as something out 
of a science fiction story come true.

It was not around very long, I heard one story that said the Movement big wigs 
pulled it due to fear of copyright infringement lawsuit and another story that 
said DC Comics actually contacted the Movement and threatened a lawsuit. Dunno 
which was true, but the likeness on the poster was a dead ringer for the then 
current artistic rendition DC comics was using to depict Superman.

I have been trying for years to find a copy of the poster but it has completely 
disappeared. I only saw it on that course in Livingston Manor and that would 
have been the time when sidhis were taught in the bloc system with at least a 
months hiatus between each bloc. I can't remember what year it was. I do 
remember the course I was on was just after a big snow and ice storm in the 
area that had knocked out all the power at Livingston Manor and a lot of water 
pipes had frozen and burst. 

The entire time I was there staff was bringing big barrels of water and placing 
them in the halls so each of us rounding CP's could dip buckets into the barrel 
to pour water into our toilet tanks so we could use the toilets. Some older 
CP's had a hard time with the rounding and water hauling.

Bevan and John Cowhig were the TM Sidhi administrators on the course and the 
plumbing never got fixed while we were there. In addition to the burst pipes, 
one of the two well pumps they had to pump water to the buildings had been 
destroyed in the storm. I overheard some of the working staff (the folks who 
cooked the food etc)saying the guys who ran the facility had meetings every day 
and spent their time wringing their hands rather than doing anything about it.

A few days after we left some initiator friends went on the Governor training 
course there and said Maharishi got rid of everyone who was in charge and put 
someone else in charge. The well pump and burst pipes were repaired in about 4 
or 5 days.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > What I liked best was walking into the lobby of the 
> > facility at Livingston Manor for my 1st bloc of the 
> > sidhis and seeing the Sidha man poster shining down 
> > on sidhas and meditators alike from behind the front 
> > desk. 
> > 
> > You know the one I mean, the look alike Superman with 
> > the big S on his chest and the words "Be a superman, 
> > be a Sidha-Man!" at the bottom. This was the one the 
> > Movement discontinued for fear of copyright infringement 
> > lawsuits from DC Comics.
> > 
> > Oh how I wish I had one of those today. I loved it.
> I never saw such a poster, but have no doubt that it 
> existed. Here, in an old post of merudanda's, are a
> few graphics that might bring back that era:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/275588
> Thanks to those who found videos and quotes of that
> period when the TM-Sidhis were first introduced, and
> thus put to rest the revisionist history claims of
> those who 1) weren't around at that time, and 2) claim
> based on their experience at much *later* courses that
> they were never promised that they would be flying. 
> This revisionist history is simply not true, as the 
> poster in merudanda's post should demonstrate. Those
> who learned the TM-Sidhis ten years after they were
> first introduced, and who were not around when they
> *were* introduced simply have nothing to say about 
> how they were presented then, and what promises were
> made. 
> My first "intro lecture" on the TM-Sidhis was pretty
> much as "official" as it can get. I was working at 
> the TM National Headquarters, at the time located at
> the end of Sunset Blvd. in L.A., right next door to
> the Yogananda Lake Shrine. This place, being an old
> motel/resort and all, had lots of room, and had become
> the de facto "TM center" for West L.A., replacing 
> 1015 Gayley. 
> So a big meeting was convened, and someone (I honestly
> forget who) who had just returned from Seelisberg and
> as I remember worked on International Staff there gave
> a talk about the new Siddhis courses. (As I remember,
> the flyer for the talk even spelled Siddhis with two
> D's -- they hadn't tried to copyright the term yet and
> found that they couldn't copyright the spelling "siddhi"
> because it was so clearly part of the public domain,
> so they switched to "sidhi.")
> The speaker presented the courses as definitely, no 
> question about it a set of techniques for learning how
> to fly. The speaker claimed that real levitation was
> going on, and further claimed that he had witnessed it.
> He also forwarded rumors he'd heard -- that people were
> walking through walls, and that one guy was meditating
> in his room, practicing the new siddhis, and suddenly
> found himself out on the lawn of the hotel, having
> been magically transported there. 
> It was only much, much later, after (as I remember) 
> someone sued the TM movement for fraud, that the 
> TM-sidhis were "cleaned up" and "sanitized" and the
> language used to teach them became less...uh...less
> a steaming pile of bullshit. 
> Don't let people who only heard the "sanitized for
> your protection" version try to convince you that
> this was the way the TM-Sidhis were always taught.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Lorenzo" <inmadison@> wrote:
> > >
> > > not only did say he was going to teach us how to fly - but 
> > > we have already succeeded:
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQXVRjMoUE&feature=relmfu
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Think back...all those many years ago...
> > > > Did the Maharishi say he was going to teach you to levitate,
> > > > Or, did he say he was going to teach you to hop/hump like a 
> > > > frog?
> > > >
> > >
> >

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