> The oldest detailed description of siddhis I can find 
> is Krishna describing them to Uddhava in the Uddhava 
> Gita, which apparently dates at least to 1000 BCE.
1000 BC would be pre-buddistic, therefore non-historical. 

The Uddhava Gita came later, after the historical 
Buddha, after the formation of the Bhakti sects, during 
the Indian Gupta Age. 

"An Outline of Indian Literature"
by J.N. Farquhar
Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi

Probably the oldest fakir tradition in India is the 
cult of Dattatreya:

"It was Gorakshanath who changed removed the aghori 
traditions and made the Nath sampradaya in the 
acceptable civil form of today. Dattatreya must have 
been a very powerful sage existing before this time and 
over the centuries sometime he was defined to the form 
of Dattatreya. 

The three heads have come definitely later in the last 
900 years or so..."

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