Chatting with a friend last night over Skype, we were
discussing our former TM connection, and people we had
known in common. When discussing one of them, a woman
who we both dated and who was sweet and attractive 
but...uh...not exactly the sharpest pencil in the box,
I found myself describing her using a term I tend to 
use affectionately, because I know the etymology of 
the word: "Bimbo." 

My friend laughed and said, "Chances are she is still
in Fairfield, and still buying *everything* they tell
her to buy, believing *everything* they tell her to
believe, and still bouncing on her bum every day in 
the domes. Does that make her a 'Bumbo'?"

Cracked me right up. 

It's the perfect word for that kind of gal who is 
sweet but so gullible she'll believe *anything*, no
matter how outlandish or Newagey.

Here's raising a toast in my Bimbo Club shot glasses
(I really do have a set) to the Bumbos of Fairfield. :-)

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