> <snip>
> > Although I rarely read Share's posts, much less reply
> > to them, I'm going to do what I know that Judy (our
> > official Upholder Of Truth And Honesty) will not and
> > point out a few discrepancies in the account above.
> >
> Poor Barry's lost in confusion again because he doesn't
> read my posts.
> <snip>
> > I didn't read all of the responses in the thread, but glancing
> > through them briefly I saw *none* that "slammed Share."
> > Not a one. I challenge her to produce the one or ones that did.
> >
> Yeah, why don't you just leave her the fuck alone? There's
> no earthly reason why she needs to respond to your dimwit
> "challenges." Go wave your pathetic dick at somebody else.
Yeah, just leave Share alone - who do you think you are,
her Uncle Tantra? And while I'm at it, leave all the other
gals on FFL alone too - they're way out of your league, 
Turqy! LoL!

> > I'm posting this as a reminder of the thing that happens so often
> > here, and that I think that happened in this case, and has warped
> > Share's memory of events. A number of people responded to
> > her posting of Hagelin's silly ideas by making fun of his *ideas*
> > or of *him*. Why do I get the feeling that Share interpreted
> > this as "slamming her?"
> >
> Barry, NOBODY CARES. Trust me on this. Take a few placebos,
> you'll feel much better.
Then, come back to pay your lost wagers!

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